Am I Making the Right Choices?

Part of my time in God’s Word this morning was in Matthew chapter 26. In this chapter we see the story of the woman anointing Jesus with the alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil. In verse 8 we read…”But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, Why this waste?” 
In John 12 we read that it was Judas who said, “That perfume was worth a year’s wages. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor.” It goes on to say…verse 6 Not that he cared for the poor—he was a thief, and since he was in charge of the disciples’ money, he often stole some for himself. 
Back to Matthew 26. Immediately following this account we read in verses 14-16 where Judas went to the chief priests and said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?” 
I think it is reasonable to say that Judas’ attitude toward Jesus had been changing over a process of time, but this situation with the costly oil was the last straw. So how does this apply to you and me today? Thanks for asking…
First: Someone did something for Jesus that Judas disagreed with. (Which was none of his business). Have you (we) ever meddled into someone else’s business without invitation? 
Secondly: He confronted Jesus insinuating that Jesus was doing wrong by allowing this woman to give him such a lavish gift. Have you (we) ever been angry at God because we thought He should do something different than He did? Let’s make it real…how about being angry with your family member, employer, or pastor because you were upset as to how they handled something?
Thirdly: Jesus gently rebuked Judas and put him in his place. 
Fourth: Judas was obviously offended by Jesus, and out of his offense he immediately decided to betray Him. 
(Bonus: Judas was offended because he was not a true disciple of Jesus. He didn’t have Jesus’ heart. True/real disciples can accept correction without being offended. In fact they want correction.)
I have seen this same scenario play out hundreds of times in families, friends, co-workers and church members throughout the last four decades of ministry. One of Satan’s main weapons is an offense. When we allow ourselves to be offended we are easy prey for bad decisions, wrong behavior as well as creating an open door for the powers of darkness to invade our lives. I’ve seen it destroy families, relationships, ordained ministers, and even churches. I can think of a couple right now in another state whom God has blessed in ministry, but the offense that they are carrying and won’t repent of will ultimately destroy everything and more that God has given them. 
Don’t allow an offense to bait you into making decisions that you will regret the rest of your life. It has been my experience that once a person responds out of an offense they usually will never get back to where they were in their relationship with God. Judas went out and hanged himself (committed suicide) because of his remorse and regret for what he had done. Many people commit spiritual, emotional and relational suicide by allowing an offense to rule their lives. 
I believe this is a word for someone today, and I hope you receive it and make the right choices for your life.

-Pastor Gary Brothers
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