Core values

Here at Cape First, there are 10 Core Values that we believe are foundational to everything we do. These values provide a lens through which we see what God has called us to do. When looking at what we do and why we do it, everything can always be traced back to these.
If you are new to Cape First and are wondering what we're all about, this is a great foundation.

The Word of God

We believe the Scriptures to be the foundation for our lives. 

The Power of God

We recognize our need for God’s power to work in our lives.


We seek to serve those both near and far. 


We make people our priority. 


We see prayer as a first response, not a last resort. 


We highly value our relationships.


We are generous in every area of our lives.

Progressive Excellence

We strive to become better each day. 


We will always dream big.  


We know that God’s plan outweighs our past.