The Reach One Initiative is our way of leading the Great Commission and faithfully spreading the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth - locally and internationally.
Global Impact
Through the Reach One Initiative we support effective missionaries and vital mission’s projects that extend a helping hand to those in need. Our fervent belief is that every individual in every nation deserves the opportunity to hear the Gospel, encounter Jesus, and experience the power of life change. In the farthest corners and darkest places, we want to Reach One More.
Local Impact + Church Expansion
The Reach One Initiative is about more than just expanding our church. Discover Life Church believes we are to make it hard for people to go to hell, by making it easy for people to come to Christ. We are dedicated to launching life-giving, Spirit-filled churches in our local communities while serving those in need right in our own backyard. Whether it's a brand-new community or an existing local missions’ endeavor, we want to Reach One More.
Next Generation
There’s a battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation. Young people are walking away from faith at a rate we’ve never seen in the United States of America, and we are not OK with it. The Reach One Initiative recognizes the significance of nurturing our future Christian leaders. At Discover Life Church we believe in leaving a legacy in the next generation. We leave a legacy by creating opportunities for young people to encounter God in new and fresh ways. We are committed to fostering a deep love for the Bible, God, Missions, and Reaching One More in the next generation.

Please scroll through our frequently asked questions! If you have any further questions, please feel free to send an email to
Why start The Reach One Initiative?
The idea is that each missionary, ministry and project is part of God's global, kingdom mission and each dollar was an investment with an eternal return and reward. The heart of The Reach One Initiative is all about people. We give, go, pray, and send "so all can hear" the Gospel of the Kingdom.
The Initiative will incorporate what was formerly known as Faith Promise Cards, Special Offerings, and World Fest. We believe that this is a way that we can better steward the finances that we are blessed with. This allows us to plan ahead for projects and missions giving without ever taking out loans. We want to be the best stewards we can possibly be.
The Initiative will incorporate what was formerly known as Faith Promise Cards, Special Offerings, and World Fest. We believe that this is a way that we can better steward the finances that we are blessed with. This allows us to plan ahead for projects and missions giving without ever taking out loans. We want to be the best stewards we can possibly be.
Is The Reach One Initiative exclusive?
No! Anyone can be a part that would like to give extra above their tithes. This does require that you live with a heart of generosity. We believe God is extravagant, therefore we want our responses to also be extravagant.
Is this the same as regular giving?
No. The Reach One Initiative is above what you give in your regular tithes of 10%. Think of this as two buckets - you no longer give to special offerings that pop up throughout the year. You give tithes and Reach One Initiative. DLC gives you updates on what has happened because of your generosity.
Is giving financially the only way to Reach One More?
Absolutely not! You can reach one more through prayers, love, volunteering, and more! This is the financial tool we are providing you.
If I had set up reoccurring giving for my Faith Promise, what will happen?
If you leave it as is, that money will be relocated to The Reach One Initiative. You can also update your recurring gifts online by creating a new recurring gift to the Initiative and discontinuing your previous gift. If you have any questions about how to route your giving, please email
What if I cannot afford to give to The Reach One Initiative?
For some, affordability means re-arranging priorities (e.g.: consider how much you spend on coffee in a year. One coffee per day costs $2000 a year). However, if someone genuinely cannot afford it -then they should not participate. It’s important to note, a person’s value to God or Discover Life Church has no bearing on whether they participate in the initiative. Furthermore, there is no pressure to participate The Reach One Initiative. The Body of Christ works because different people have different graces (Rom 12:6-9, 1 Cor 12). While you may not be able to contribute as part of the initiative, you can contribute in other very meaningful ways. As we achieve more together, we also celebrate the successes together because we are one church that sacrifices in different ways.