For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21


Your tithes, offerings, and Faith Promises make it possible to reach the world for Christ. Thank you for giving generously.

Tithing is giving 10% of your income back to the Lord
 (Leviticus 27:30; Deuteronomy 12:6-7).
An offering is when we feel called to give over and above our tithe.

(You are also able to designate some of your giving for special projects:Faith Promise/Missions, Television, Discovering Life, etc.)

Ways To Give

Give Online

You can give right here, and even set up reoccurring payments. 

Give In Person

Envelops are available at every location, typically found in the seat backs in the auditorium.  You can place your envelope in the offering bucket.

On the App

Much like giving online, you can download the Cape First app and follow the links to give.

Text to Give

You can text "Cape First" to "206.859.9405" and set up your Text to Give preferences. 

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