Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
As members of the Body of Christ, Cape First Church is called into the world to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Each year the Cape First family prayerfully and financially supports ministries across the globe, as well as local ministries.
World Fest
Each year, Cape First Church celebrates an event we call World Fest. World Fest is divided into 2 six month segments, one in the spring and one in the fall of the year. During World Fest, Cape First takes on new missions projects, both locally and globally, to continue sharing the Gospel.
Partner with Cape First Missions by Faith Promise Giving
Visit the "Give" page to fill out a Faith Promise form or fill out a Faith Promise card at any Cape First location to commit to a 6-month financial support to Cape First Missions.
As members of the Body of Christ, Cape First Church is called into the world to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Each year the Cape First family prayerfully and financially supports ministries across the globe, as well as local ministries.
World Fest
Each year, Cape First Church celebrates an event we call World Fest. World Fest is divided into 2 six month segments, one in the spring and one in the fall of the year. During World Fest, Cape First takes on new missions projects, both locally and globally, to continue sharing the Gospel.
Partner with Cape First Missions by Faith Promise Giving
Visit the "Give" page to fill out a Faith Promise form or fill out a Faith Promise card at any Cape First location to commit to a 6-month financial support to Cape First Missions.