Mid-Week Life Group Every Thursday
Starting September 15th at 6:30PM
Our Perryville Campus is launching SOON!
For years now, our team has been praying about where God would have us expand when it was time. One neighboring town had struck our hearts for awhile now. We felt there was a need there and we’ve continually prayed for God to open doors if it was His will.
Pastor Chad recently preached a message at our Silver Springs campus called “The Third Class Ticket” where he spoke about serving and how we were saved to serve others. In that message he said “If we want to make it hard for people to go to hell, we have to make it easy for them to go to church”
 That is our hearts cry. We want to see more people saved! God made a way for us to continue to see people saved in that neighboring town that we’ve prayed so long about.
 We are excited to announce that in the coming months we will be launching a campus in Perryville, MO!
 On September 15th, we’ll be launching a midweek Life Group in our new building. And sometime early next year Sunday morning services will begin!
 Isn’t it like God to do what we feel is impossible or a far off dream?
 If you would like to be a part of the Perryville campus launch, please email for more information.