1317 N. Main Street, Sikeston, MO 63801
Service Times | Sundays at 9AM + 10:45AM  and Wednesdays at 6:30PM


Feb 5th | Baptisms
This is such an exciting day because for someone, this is an outward expression of their inward decision of salvation! If you are interested in taking this next step, head to and register for your campus’ baptism!

Feb 14th | Parents Night Out
What a great night to take your spouse on a date! Kids ages Pre-K through 5th are invited to join us and the cost is $10 per child! We’ll have pizza, snacks, games, movies, and more! The event is from 6-8:30PM at our Silver Springs Campus! If you’re at one of our extension campuses you are more than welcome to join us that night and enjoy a date in Cape! Head to to register!

Feb 19th | YTH One Night at Ultimate Air

YTH One Night for all campuses will be on February 19th at Ultimate Air! We’ll be hanging out from 5:45-7PM. We’re super excited to all get together and have tons of fun - it’s going to be a glow party! Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at! We can’t wait to see you there!  

Feb 24th | Ladies Tea Party

Our 19th Annual Tea Party will be happening at our Silver Springs Campus on February 24th! Our speaker this year will be Sarah Wehrli! For more information, head to